• Your organization is only as strong as your leadership team.

    Leadership Development & Executive Coaching

  • Discover your voice. Be bold. Lead from above the line.

  • Ignite your team.

  • An invitation to lead with heart.


Engaged Leadership©

Ignite your leadership team.

Engaged Leadership© is a year-long development experience strategically designed to help teams become more effective and operate above the line – while becoming more innovative, creative and inspirational as they execute on a shared vision.

This is done through twin goals: the first being to build a high-performing team, and the second to develop the individual leaders on that team to reach their highest potential – all within the context of delivering on, or exceeding, your stated business results.

The Engaged Leadership© experience involves learning the importance of the WHAT and the HOW of a team, and developing understanding of why these components lead to increased growth and success.

WHAT = the context, vision and big goals of the leadership team

HOW = how the team functions, HOW we lead, HOW we relate to others, HOW we grow as individuals and a team, HOW we build our emotional intelligence and how we grow our intelligence as a team (our “WeQ”)

It takes a growth mindset.

In order for the experience to be successful, I partner specifically with growth-mindset leaders who have undergone their own development journey resulting in an understanding of their inner strengths, their vulnerabilities and their own desire to keep growing even when it gets uncomfortable. These are leaders who have a high degree of self-awareness and who, in turn, are able to actively help others grow through providing ongoing coaching and development. The ability to hold this “both/and” orientation of self-growth and other’s growth is essential.

Creative business people planning over table with adhesive notes
Green bamboo forest in Kyoto Japan
Young black businessman leading a corporate team at a table

Engaged Leadership© Development Model

Engaged Leadership Development Model diagram

Tailoring the experience

for your specific team.

In the beginning, I work with the senior leader to customize the experience for their team’s specific needs, whether it be a newly formed team, one that has been intact for a while, or a mix of new and seasoned team members.

From the kick-off meeting throughout the engagement, I facilitate opportunities for more real, open conversations, including meaningful interactions that build trust and psychological safety. These conversations, coupled with custom-designed practices, help team members get to know each other on a deeper, more personal level which leads to enhanced interpersonal communication, support, courage and higher team performance. The process takes time – sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. With my support and guidance, it does happen.

By the end of the Engaged Leadership© experience, my clients express being able to do things they did not think were possible before, both individually and collectively. They say they feel energized and excited. They often feel more balanced and at ease. They are genuinely more committed to seeking out and including diverse perspectives, and are able to see each other more clearly as people and as leaders. I’m told that they feel “more like themselves” than they have ever felt at work, and, as a result, feel as if they are creating more enduring value. Ultimately, they have learned how to lead with heart.

Through Engaged Leadership©, my clients learn the art of being autonomous while functioning as a high-performing team. It’s a powerful experience.

It’s done through We, I, It.

The results speak for themselves.


Executive Coaching

Female surfer riding a big powerful wave

Lead from above the line.

My experience leads me to believe that you push yourself really hard. Sometimes you ride the waves with ease, other times it is more challenging. You may not take time for yourself, maybe you are eager to grow into your full potential, but aren’t clear what might be getting in your way. Perhaps you’ve heard that it’s time to take your leadership to the next level. Maybe you’ve already made great strides in your personal growth, and are ready to grow as a leader.

Many clients come to me wanting to develop a more effective team, with a strong desire to lead that team to interact from above the line more consistently and intentionally. I can help.

It starts with you.

Through our work together, you will build the confidence to speak up. You will become bold, self-trusting, and find – and use – your voice. I will guide you to increase your emotional intelligence (some leaders may feel they are too harsh; too emotional; or don’t know how to deal with other people’s emotions) and apply that increased intelligence through practical measures. I will help you discover your leadership brand – those key elements of who you really are, which are based on your deepest values and core drivers as a person and as a leader. Your brand will mature and shine through your own words and actions.

I know that you are smart. You most likely have an exceptional IQ. My work helps you develop all three centers of intelligence – not only the HEAD, but also the HEART and the BODY. Great leaders need all three to move and inspire others.

I have helped countless clients over the years realize their full potential, and I have watched their teams climb to heightened success as a result. The majority of my clients have secured new roles and promotions at some point in our work together, often times during our engagement or shortly thereafter. This is one of the most rewarding aspects of the work I do.

What does your next level of development look like? Whatever your vision, I can help you get there.

3 tree seedlings sprouting from the soil

My Story

Now, more than ever, leaders are being called to be more approachable, vulnerable and authentic. As an executive and leadership development coach for 20 years, I guide my clients to achieve this calling through my own life experiences, rigorous training and self-development.

Given my years of coaching experience, I believe that we all have different parts of ourselves, and that it’s important to bring our full selves forward. If we leave any part at the door, it diminishes who we are. I continuously hone my craft through my own learning and development, and I know the courage and vulnerability it takes to “sit in the client’s chair.”

Most recently, living with and recovering from Lyme disease, has been one of the biggest teachers of my life, and a building block for resilience. There is no algorithm for finding the balance between persistence and surrender. I’ve always loved my coaching work, and during some of the most challenging times, it was focusing on the joy of my work, learning to laugh at adversity and coaching my clients that got me through.

Improving the lives of others

I have always valued being in a role where I am helping to improve the lives of others. I started my career in health care as a volunteer nurse on the rural island of Dominica. Later, passionate about helping my LGBTQ family and community, I volunteered at one of the first AIDS hotlines in the U.S. and emerged as a leader. I went on to found a state-level adolescent HIV prevention program, participate on a task force to write the first policy on HIV testing for teens, and present at several global conferences.

During that time, I expressed my creativity with a side project, producing an award-winning documentary short film. The film explored gender identity and female masculinity and was screened at more than 140 venues and film festivals internationally and across the U.S.

Using my documentary film experience, I pivoted career paths and landed a job as a multimedia producer with a San Francisco start-up, and quickly learned that I was not going to succeed in the role. In retrospect, it’s clear to me that my emotional intelligence was low, and therefore affecting my work. With the help of several mentors and my determined focus on self-awareness and growth, I turned that challenge into something very positive, and came away knowing that I wanted to help others through similar crossroads in their lives. That’s when I decided to become a coach.

My coaching style is a blend of art and science

As a coach, integration and authenticity are top values for me. My style is to coach the whole person, and create a safe container for clients to bring their whole selves to sessions. By doing this, clients are more able to relax and see their strengths and their development opportunities as gifts for growth and learning. To support this work, I am certified in the Leadership Circle Profile and the Enneagram, two nuanced and precise assessments. I also partner with my clients every step of the way, so that they feel safe enough to stretch, in service of getting the results they want.

Through my long and varied career, I have creatively overcome challenges, reinvented myself several times and built resilience along the way. I have learned that laughter and play are important for growth. I am an innovator and a leader, someone who follows my dreams to make things happen. I come fully equipped to help other leaders and their teams reach their full potential. It will be work, but it’s well worth it.

Shoshana Rosenfeld portrait
I come fully equipped to help leaders and their teams reach their full potential. It will be work, but it’s well worth it.
Shoshana signature

My Credentials

  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Northeastern University
  • Masters in Public Health, Boston University
  • Certified Integral Coach, New Ventures West school of coaching
  • Professional Certified Coach (PCC), International Coaching Federation
  • Certified in Leadership Circle, Individual and Team Assessments
  • Extensive experience with, and certified in, the Enneagram personality system


Shoshana’s influence translates directly into greater business results. Because of her, our leadership team made a cultural shift.

Scott Anderson, CEO, Pankow Builders

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Johnson+Johnson logo
Levi's logo
McGraw Hill logo
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Peet's Coffee logo
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San Francisco Department of Health logo
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“Shoshana not only creates space for transformative growth, she engages in the journey and shares the outcomes with her clients. She’s a guide and a participant. She’s part of the transformation.”

“Shoshana adds value from strategy to execution, always keeping in mind that the ultimate objective of all clients is to get something DONE – not just talk about it. Shoshana delivers.”

Wooden pier closeup on a glassy mountain lake

Shoshana In Writing

Results: Leadership Team Turnaround Through Engaged Leadership©

Shoshana Rosenfeld & Co., Inc. Showcase Project. View PDF >>

Pull: The Power of Magnetic Leadership eBookPull: The Power of Magnetic Leadership

“My journey into the power of Pull Leadership began on a warm August day in 1990 on the slopes of Washington’s Mt. Rainier, when my mistakes as a leader nearly had deadly consequences.” READ MORE >>

Good Endings Make Good Beginnings

One silver lining of Covid-19 is that I got to attend the Leadership Circle Profile™ (LCP) Certification… READ MORE >>


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Roasting marshmallows on sticks over a campfire